Sunday, June 26, 2016

John Bokman, Entry #2, Settled in

My desk in the Gabrieli lab

      These last two weeks have been great as I am finding my place in the lab and I am really starting to love it in Boston the more time I spend here. The weather is beautiful almost every day and the Charles river carries a much needed breeze right though the city. I am also beginning to adjust to city life and living by myself. Running in the local area has allowed me to scout out nearby restaurants and other stores fairly easily.

     Last week, the undergrads in the lab organized a reading group with weekly meetings and presentations. I was invited to join and in doing so I have met many of the members of the lab I rarely see otherwise. With over 15 undergrads and interns working under many grad students, and on countless projects, the lab can often feel disunified. The reading meets are a great way to bring everyone together and recognize our common goals in our research.

     As far as my work goes I have just started a new project in the past week. My mentor Kelly, a physco-evaluator for the lab, introduced me to one of her colleagues who needed someone to help debug a program that one of the past research assistants had written. The program was intended to sort and analyze survey data and then return it in a spreadsheet. I had to quickly adjust to Python so that I could start working with the program, which was beautifully written but contained a few major errors. I updated the code to new Python and I am almost finished filling in the holes in the code and cleaning the output up. I will be presenting the new program to my mentor on Tuesday and I hope she will assign me to more projects like this one during my remaining time in the lab.

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