This week i stained more mouse brain cells, but looked for different parts of the brain. We stained for dendrites, neurons, pericytes, astrocyters, blood vessels, and microglia. We used about eight different anytibodies (primary and secondary) in the process. In monday, Amy taught me how to use the microscope they have to find good images of the parts of the brain we were looking for, and to capture the images. She taught me how to recognize the hippocampus, and helped me understand what each antibody stained for. I had to present my findings to my PI at the lab meeting, so Amy helped me put together a power point with all of the images and the information. Below are some of the best images we got. The first image is focused on the hippocampus. The second shows neurons and astrocytes, and the third one shows neurons and axons.

The second set of staining i did did not turn out well because we stained the vessls and dendrites in the same color, so it was hard to tell them apart. One of the anytibodies also did not seem to work, because we could not seem to decipher any tubules that we stained for. I am most likely going to try to do this staining again.
I was also able to look at and disect a sheep brain that they had in the lab in order to visualize different parts of the brain. They helped me cut around it to find the hippocampus.
Next week i hope to do more staining, and look at different parts of the mouse brain. I will also hopefully start to cut more of the brains on the cryostat
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