Sunday, July 10, 2016

Week/Entry 2,3: What are HTML? Can you eat it?

Hello there everyone, I'm going to recap both week 2,3 in one post because I've been on roughly the same project.

So at the start of 2nd week, I got an assignment to create a website for PVI's longest-running product, CrowdPullerz. If you want to know what it is and what is up with the "z" at the end, visit our website-in-work:
I mean, thank God for Squarespace, but at the same time, why God why Squarespace?! It definitely gives people a "template" to start with but the rest you have to wrestle with. This is my email to my colleague who introduced me to the site: "Re: Sq Space: it's fun but in a very retrospective rewarding sense (i.e. like during a run and you feel terrible but when you're done with it for some twisted reasons you feel great)". After a few days of realizing Squarespace's limits, I had to resolve to learning some ad-hoc coding, which, once again, is rewarding in a very retrospective sense (I think this might be the running theme for my EXP). I first learnt to make some banners and words together, and then I moved on to data visualization, including making heatmaps, charts, and other sorts of interactive maps (in the process I think I might've become Google's biggest/most-convoluted-questioning client). It wasn't until the middle of the 3rd week that the website was finalized-ick.
At the same time, I am also doing some desk research (and EXP helped me with this so much through out the year) on gamification to assist my director of research in doing his upcoming academic paper.  
Also, it was Eid on Wednesday, and in Uganda it's a national holiday. So I went white-water rafting where the Nile starts. I slightly dislodged my shoulder but it was totally worth it. I thus leave you with this:

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